OK, I leave in 8 more days...that's like a day more than a week...that's really soon...I should really start preparing, not only physically & mentally, but packing--making lists: sunscreen, runners, laptop, sunscreen...almost there.
Just need a camera. I thought about it & I'll actually be gone for almost 3 months (85 days to be exact)...not sure if the time will stand still or fly by, but I know it'll be time well spent.
I wonder what my tribe name will be..."White-Cheetah-Meat"?..."Running Snowflake?" That sounds more suitable...I'm expecting the worst, but hoping for the best. I will not trust anybody as far as I can run from them...however, will remain open to the different culture and lifestyle which lay ahead. That's the only way to become a better person--not so much being paranoid as being aware. I don't want to be taken advantage of in any way, especially being in a different country. I'm sure I'll stick out like a sore thumb & don't want to attract the wrong people. I'll take some friends advice and never go anywhere alone, just in case.
I'm not afraid, but you can never be too careful either. That's just how it is. Well, it's time to get together with new & newer friends to say adios here in Ontario (since I've only been here for a year & a half) & to my older friends back in Saskatchewan & Calgary--goodbye Canada--I'll see you in the spring!
Stay tuned...as Shakira would say "waka waka...in Africa!"